Hi all,
I haven't had a chance to post up for a few days and decided to touch on
a few areas all at once...Hope nobody minds!! :)
Loki and cricket both tend to go for soap....Loki prefers to lick
straight off the bars or his body while he is taking a bath, but Cricket
prefers to lick the soap residue left in the shower.
Cricket has picked up an annoying habit from licking soap from the
bath-tub though.  She also licks up the little pools of water left in the
tub after someone showers and now will not drink from her water bowl.
Instead, she splashs the water out  of the bowl onto the floor and then
drinks the water off the floor!!
We used to have a reclining chair in the living room that we had to get
rid of because Loki liked to sleep right inside the reclining mechanism.
We put the chair into storage since we never sat in it anyway for fear of
hurting the little guy.....
I dislike the idea of animal testing for anything other than medical
research.  The idea of maiming and killing animals to determine cosmetic
viability and similar projects is complete insane and horrible.
As a final note I wanted to say how happy I am to have found this news
group.  Right now I don't have any friends or even acquaintences that
also own ferrets...:(     Its so nice to fidn others that love fuzzies as
much as we do!!
Butch, Laura, Loki & Cricket
[Posted in FML issue 1067]