Greetings once again, I have returned from a very nasty vacation (:P)
Curtesy of ol' Uncle sam. But upon my return I have found my Furry Eyolf
has picked up a bad habit while being watched by my roomate. He now has
decided that litter boxes are taboo, and will use anywhere not to go in
one, including the second and third floor of their cage. Kiki, is very
trained. She uses the box religiously now. DOes anyone have any
suggestions on how to break Eyolf of this habit?
Also, are ferrets legal in Michigan now? Like I said I've been away. :)
I'd like to be able to bring the fuzzies home to grandma and grandpa.
Wayne L. Humfleet                        "Remember.  No matter where you go.
E-Mail [log in to unmask]                     There you are." - B.Banzai
[Posted in FML issue 1067]