Thanks to everyone who is helping with Miko's missing toe. I guess I
should have mentioned that there is an un-developed bud there (little toe on
her right hind foot). She seems to have no trouble getting around, and that's
what counts right now. Are there many cases of polydactylis ? What about
cardiac disease, and other common human problems. Also, I have read different
views on ferret suceptability to microfilariae; is there an type of
ivermectin formulated for ferrets?
      It is interesting that there have been no studies/correlations done on
such an apparently researched species (rabies, etc.). The university that I
attend uses ferrets in the psychology dept (where I was introduced to them -
Biology majors can earn x-tra bucks caring for the animals over breaks).
Perhaps I could persuade a breeder to co-operate in a little research
venture... is anyone aware of "good" breeders in the S.E.
      Also, before I get slammed... my mention of the Path Valley defect-free
guarantee in my last post was only made in case she should pass away due to a
genetic/congenital defect. I pray that I do not have to suffer thru this pain
as I have noted many of you recently have. The death of a pet can be as painfu
l as the death of any human. When faced with the loss of a loved one, always
remember you faith, your family, and your friends. These will sustain you.
                   God Bless you all - friends and fuzzies.
David Childress and  /\/\:) Miko
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[Posted in FML issue 1066]