Thankyou to all who sent me ideas for my Ecology paper!! :)  I
have decided to do my study on digging behavior in ferrets and how it
differs from ferret to ferret depending on the ferret's sex. Part of the
paper will also concentrate on whether digging behavior is an instinctual
action or a "personality trait" of particular ferrets. My professor has
told me that - as we are lacking for ferrets here - I can use a survey to
collect the observations I need. So I beg all of you who own ferrets to
*please* help me and answer this quick survey about ferrets' tendancies
to dig into things. It should take less than three minutes and all
answers (as well as the senders of the answers) will be kept
confidential. Either forward this survey back to me with the answers
filled in (remember that the 'reply' function will sned your answers to
the list and not to me!) or send a message to me with the answers numbered
(no need to type out the questions again). My address is:
<[log in to unmask]>  or  <[log in to unmask]>  for anyone who's
computer doesn't like the first address.
        Thankyou to you all in advance!!! I'd also like to say that I'm
*very* glad I signed onto this list. . . Hearing all the little stories
about your pets never fails to make me smile. Now I want a ferret even
more. . . Guess I have to move out of good old MA sometime.  :)
                                        Many Smiles,
                                          --Amy  :)
SURVEY   (Ten questions)
(fill out for one ferret - if you have more than one ferret and would
like to be *extra* helpful to me, fill out one copy for each ferret)
1.a.  What sex is your ferret?
  b.  Is your ferret neutered/spayed?
2.    How old is your ferret (exact or approx.)?
3.    Does your ferret show digging behavior?
        (If yes, please continue. If no, you can stop here.  :) Thanks!)
4.    If you ferret is older, did he/she show more, less, or about the
        same digging behavior as when he/she was younger?
5.a.  Where does your ferret like to dig the most?
  b.  Where does he/she like to dig the second most?
6.a.  Do you give your ferret a place where you *let* it dig? (Y/N)
  b.  If yes, does he/she prefer this "legal" spot over other spots in the
7.a.  What methods have you tried to discourage your ferret from digging
        in places you don't want it to?
  b.  Have you had a lot, some, little or no success in changing his/her
8.    How often (number of times per day or week) does your ferret show
        digging behavior?
9.a.  Do you own more than one ferret?
  b.  If yes, does this ferret dig more, less, or about the same as your
        other ferret(s)?
  c.  What is(are) the sex(es) of the other ferret(s)?
10.   Please add any other comments, anecdotes, or information you think
        might help with my study.
        Thankyou all for helping!!! E-chocolate and E-ferret treats to
you all!!  :)      :)      :)
        / \  "What kind of fool am I?   \
        \@/       (*sharp smile*)        |      [log in to unmask]
         /  My own special breed. . . "  |      Assistant Listowner
        |   ____________________________/          VAMPYRES.GUVM
[Posted in FML issue 1031]