Drs Williams and Weiss:
Scooter is in adrenal disease remission and is rapidly re growing
his hair. One FML reader who responded (see below) to my e-mail
about adrenal disease remission cautioned about bladder side
effects. I had not heard of putting a ferret on anti-urinary
blockage nutritional regimine as a result of adrenal disease.
Your comments?
Dixon, Barbara, Max the cat, and Scooter
Dallas, Texas
"...... After 1 1/2 years, Jocko started growing
his hair back. Within 6 weeks, he had a full coat. He had been a
silver - he came back as a black-eyed white.  It looked stunning
with his jet black nose! Unfortunately, our happiness was short
About 4 months later, I noticed Jocko was having trouble
urinating.  I made an appointment to see a vet, but when I
realized that Jocko was in serious trouble, and had to see another
vet. (They seem to get really sick real fast.) The vet did surgery
and found bladder stones- about 1/2 a teaspoon in his bladder and
urethra, which they had to open up to remove.  Jocko tried his
best but passed away in my arms 2 days after surgery. Talking to
vets since then, we decided what had happened was that the adrenal
disease can have a cycle.  This does not always happen but does
occasionally.  The adrenal problem caused a change in the acid in
his system which seemed to cause the bladder stones. I now know
that there are products which can reduce/prevent stones.  There is
also a special diet to be followed...."
[Posted in FML issue 1059]