Hello all you FML'ers out there.  I hope the holidays are treating
everyone well.  I've been on the FML for quite some time now, but I've
never really found the time to introduce myself and my babies.  I figured
I would just make the time today.  My name is Leanne Eggert.  I live in
Portland, Oregon with my husband, Jon and my two kitties, Kaci and Eli and last
but certainly not least, my two fuzzies, Riley and Jasmine.  I got both
ferrets from a nearby shelter, and I couldn't be happier with them.
     Jasmine lived in the shelter for five years (with a short adoption
period that didn't work out) before we decided to foster her.  After we
took her home, I decided that we couldn't give her back, so we adopted her on a
permanent basis.  She was quite nippy at first and was losing her hair.
Because of her smell :-) , we had her spayed right away and they found a
malignant ovarian tumor.  They said it was about to rupture, so we got it
out just in time.   She has only gotten happier and healthier since she
came to live with us.
     Riley is approximately three years old, but his history is entirely
unknown.  He was wandering the streets before he was turned in to the
shelter.  He's been somewhat sickly since we got him, it's been
determined that he most likely has permanent asthma.  After being put on
medication, he seems to be doing much better.  He is actually an angel
ferret.  For the past month (or longer) he has been using his litterbox
every single time when he's had the urge while being out.  It's
wonderful!!  Unfortunately, Jasmine has been on a box boycott for a while.
     Anyway, I've really appreciated the stories, advice and everything
else the FML has had to offer.  Doctor Williams already helped my vet and
me figure out what was wrong with Riley.  This has been an invaluable
resource and I appreciate it immensely.  Sorry this has been so long.
                                        Hi to all the little ones,
                                        Leanne Eggert and Jon
                                        Jasmine and Riley (fuzzies)
                                        Kaci and Eli (kitties)
[Posted in FML issue 1057]