Hi all!
First I'd like to wish everyone on the FML the very Merriest
Christmas. I feel like I've grown to know many of you quite well.
I've enjoyed the discussions and the personal tales. Many have
caused me to laugh out loud and a few have brought tears to my eyes.
I'm looking forward to another year on the list. All fingers and
toes are crossed here in hopes that the lost ones will be found and
the sick ones will heal. I'd also like to thank the good Doctors for
all their help and expertise.
Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone for their help and advice
concerning my dilemma with the Galaxy-D vaccine. I feel better
knowing that I've probably not caused any harm to my babies and that
they are most likely protected. I will be writing to Solvay and
Omaha Vaccine this week and will let you all know if I get any
replies. I still will have to revaccinate all the shelter ferrets
and my son's kits because I show my ferrets and plan to have a
shelter table at the Expo in Feb. in Frederick, Md. and they will
only allow ferrets in that have been vaccinated with Fromm-D or
Fervac-D. Anyone going to the show stop by the Delaware Valley
Ferret Shelter table and say Hi.
I'm awfully sorry to hear about Bandit. It's really hard to go
through something like this at any time but especially hard this
time of the year. Even more so since you went through this at
Christmas before. I'm sure Pepper is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge
to welcome and play with Bandit. Take Care.
Cindy C. Sooy
[Posted in FML issue 1054]