When I first learned that Fromm D was being switched to Galaxy D, I, like
Cindy, was told that the name was the only difference; nothing else had
changed.  When I learned there was a difference, I started doing some
research on those differences.  An avian cell line is used for Fromm D and
and a simian (monkey) cell line is used for Galaxy D.
Now that I found that out, I wanted to know what this meant.  I began
calling and talking to different veterinarians.  Each had their own
opinions concerning this vaccine.  I finally reached a company called
Schering.  It distributes a canine distemper vaccine called disten-R-TC
which is used for mink.  I called their technical support line and was
transferred to a Dr. Mike Schwartz.  I must say, I was very impressed with
his knowledge on the different canine distemper vaccines.  He told me the
history of the vaccines dating back to the 1950's.  He knew about Fromm D
and Fervac.  Infact, United (the makers of Fervac) branched off from their
company around 25 years ago.  According to Dr. Schwartz, in no way can your
ferret contract canine distemper from a simian cell line.  There is a
slight chance that simian cells carry some type of mammalian virus that
could be harmful, but because of the continued titoring of the vaccine, the
chance is almost nill.
If your ferret received Galaxy D with no ill effects, I understand that he
is immuned to canine distemper.  I am dissapointed that those of us who
bought Fromm D were not informed of the difference.  I am also upset that
some groups will only recognize Fervac as the lone canine distemper vaccine
for ferrets.  I like to have a choice.  Maybe it won't be Galaxy D, but
there are other vaccines out there that still use the avian cell line other
than Fervac and are known to work on ferrets.  Unfortunately, most
companies do not see the profit in having their products past by the USDA.
The market just is not there.  The knowledge of their product's safety is
there (Schering's vaccine has been used to vaccinate hundreds of
thousands of ferrets with no ill effects.  Of course this is Dr. Schwartz's
statement.  I have not received anything in writing.)
All I know is that ferrets that have been vaccinated by Fervac have
squealed in pain as the vaccine is administered.  According to
Dr. Schwartz, the only difference between vaccines from different companies
(other than the use of a specific cell line) is what he calls the virus
stabilizer.  Each company makes its own.  That is what really makes the
vaccine unique to different companies.  One way he recommended to reduce
any stinging from the vaccine is to leave the diluent (the vial of liquid
used to reconstitute the vaccine) at room temperature.  The diluent is
only sterile water or saline so it does not need to be refridgerated.
I encourage anyone with questions to call Dr. Mike Schwartz at
I hope this helps some.  It helped me.
Ellen Byrne and her little furballs.
[Posted in FML issue 1052]