To: Dave and Dawn Adams
Nikki is probably used to her Ferret Chow and nothing else.  New foods
and/or snacks take time to introduce.  You can try breaking the snacks into
very small pieces and sprinkling it over the chow in her food bowl.  When
she goes to eat the food she is used to eating, she'll get a taste of the
chopped up treat.  If she likes the taste she may respond when fed the treat
by hand.  Don't fret, it takes time.
To: Bridget Floyd
Ferrets make WONDERFUL pets!  You may read many a post here on the FML about
illness, but only because there is so little information out there on
ferrets.  Many veterinarians even have trouble diagnosing certain problems.
Because no vet could survive on treating just ferrets, they must see other
types of animals to make a living.  Here on the FML, we have a direct line
to veterinarians SPECIALIZING and well versed in ferret problems.  If a
ferret is taken care of, sickness is not common.  The only illnesses ferret
owners seem to experience are typical amongst all ferrets, namely
Insulinoma, at approximately 5 years of age or so.  Outside of that, they're
pretty healthy animals.
Regards... Russ Hazzon
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[Posted in FML issue 1050]