Hi All!
I have a questions! Our little fuzzy, NIKKI, (who by the way is fluffy and
gorgeous with her winter coat)doesn't seem to want to eat anything except
her ferret chow. I have read about all of your fuzzies and their favorite
foods and have tried to find something that NIKKI will go nuts for.
Sometimes she will take a lick of a piece of banana, but that's about it.
We did finally buy some Ferritone last week and she does like that. She
just doesn't want to try anything new.  She is 2.5 years old now. Should
the food introductions have been done when she was younger? Is she just set
in her ways?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Dawn, NIKKI'S mom
   O    O
 _/|\__/|\_ O  o  o          David, Dawn, Melissa, Natalie & Amelia Adams
 _/ \__/ \_ T  T  T voo                      (and our little fuzzy, NIKKI!)
                 "Rings and jewels...are not gifts, but apologies for gifts.
                  The only true gift is a portion of thyself."
                                              - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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[Posted in FML issue 1049]