Hi everyone its me again.  You know, the guy who GMA hates right now.  :-)
Anyway, I thought I would pass on a EMail message I got from a lurker here.  I
will keep his name anon since he is comfortable lurking right now.  Just thought
you all would be interested in what's going on with the GMA issue.
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: GMA
  I have lurked on the FML for about a month and decided to call GMA about
Mr. Hanna's appearance.  I was suprised to find that I was connected with
Patty Neiger (the producer).  She was, to say the least, quite short with me
about the whole situation.  She said that she has gotten numerous E-mail
messages on AOL, faxes are coming in all the time, and she gets a call about
every twenty minutes.  She gave me the information about the "4 minute spot
on snowy critters" and she did not want to get into a debate over the
good/bad of ferrets on the show(not enough time).   She said that she cannot
understand what all the commotion is about, so I referred her to Central
Illinois Friends of Ferrets(CIFF).  She told me to have them contact her by
her personal number.  I am contacting them to do so.  If you have any contact
to any other ferret shelters/organizations have them call (212)456-6157.
 Maybe we can get a separate spot on the show to speak about the fuzzies.
                                     hope this helps,
[Posted in FML issue 1042]