Ken and Jackie -
        I LOVED the story about Binky and Pookey!  Nesta and Roo are
the same way when it comes to drinks - do not leave them unattended!
Actually, I had a study group over a few nights ago, and no one
understood why I reminded them all to put their drinks up on the
tables instead of on teh floor next to them...  Until, of course,
Nesta stuck his fat nose right into a few of the glasses and tipped
them over.
        Unlike your two devils, Nesta could care LESS about what is
actually IN the glasses.  He simply enjoys standing up on hind legs
and peering into the glass, watching Momma run towards the glass, in
slow motion, with the theme form "Chariots of Fire" running in the
background.  (I know y'all can picture this 'cause you probably go
through the same thing...)  He especially enjoys chasing the ice cubes
around on the carpet after he tips the glass.   Roo simply sits and
watches the comic scene unfold again, and again, and again, and
again...  In fact, I like to think that she shouts out the directions
(No, a little to the left, no, wait, right!  Great, now a little more
weight on the lip....)
                - Kristen, trained to put glasses OUT of REACH!
                - Nesta, the rolly-polly, weeble wobble, glass tipper
                - Roo, Manager.
Kristen Herzog
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These are my opinions. Promise.
End of network mail
[Posted in FML issue 1042]