I hate it when I read an issue and remember that I forgot to reply to
something I meant to in the last issue:  National Wildlife Federation has
Black-footed ferret toys, a baby and momma, available, I believe for less
than mentioned at Nature's Wonders.  (Of course then you add shipping).  If
whoever was asking would like to send me their snail mail address, I'd be
happy to mail them an NWF magazine -- I have extras because I got *3* BFF t-
shirts for my birthday! (oops!) :)
About Fromm-D/Galaxy-D.  Dr. Williams will more than likely have comments,
but just wanted to give my $.02 as I just spoke to Dr. Brown last week after
she gave a lecture to our exotics class.  Unfortunately, I thought at the
time, `seems like I've heard quite a few people have problems with Fervac-D'.
 But I forgot to ask her about it afterwards.  She did definitely feel Galaxy-
D was a bad idea until further testing, though.  She also mentioned that she
no longer reads FML regularly because she spends quite a bit of time advising
a couple of other lists.  I do, however, have her email address and will
write her and ask her about this, and forward the answer on.
Lastly, about Hawaii.  I try to be pretty ecology/conservation minded, but it
strikes me that ferrets really just don't seem to go feral.  How many stories
have we heard about escaped loved ones who died because they couldn't figure
out how to survive out of captivity?  Perhaps the residents/government of
Hawaii feel that even the slightest risk is too much?  I think if the
overwhelming majority feels ferret legalization would be to dangerous to the
ecology of Hawaii, I have absolutely no problem with that.  But I sure would
like to hear more opinions.
Oops, one more thing:  got a nasty reply today from [log in to unmask]  Methinks
that may *not* be *the* ABC.  Could someone please post a snailmail address?
Laura L'Heureux
U. of Illinois Vet Med Class of `96
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1034]