Potpie and Melissa here for a winter report..
Well, Potpie's winter coat is completely in; she's about ten shades paler
and tons pudgier and fluffier - waddle, waddle, waddle. Hee. She's
sleeping an /awful/ lot during the daytime nowadays; I assume that's
re: affectionate. Potpie loves being picked up and paid attention to, but
is mostly unaffectionate in return - she prefers to see what's under your
hair or inside of your shirt first.  She's not prone to biting, however,
she's picked up this odd habit since I moved into a house with
housemates...when they reach to pet her, she'll cup their knuckles in her
paws and lick their knuckles until they take their hands away, and she
always clings to their hands when they draw them back. She's never ever
done this to /me/, however. Bizarre.
re: Cats.  Potpie and our housecat, Spooky, are determined not to get
along, but to provide us innumerable amusing episodes in the process.
Potpie's definitely a lone ferret, and Spooky (at first) really only
wanted to know what the heck Potpie /was/ - but Potpie doesn't take well
to being closely investigated, and a history of tusseling, tail fur
puffing out, and 'harrass the other as much as possible' has arisen. Of
course, Potpie is smarter than Spooky, but Spooky is decidedly more
massive than Potpie...things even out quite well. By far my favorite
episode was the 'Spooky in the bag' bit, where Spooky crawled into one of
the grocery bags I have lying around my room for Potpie. He was all ready
to ambush her, but the wily Potpie was having none of that, and wouldn't
go past the opening to the bag - she hovered right around the outside
side edge, brushing the paper with her whiskers and generally driving him
utterly batty. :)
re: hammocks. I found that the material Potpie likes best is sweatshirt
fabric - she sleeps in my sweatpants/sweatshirt drawer and drags my
sweatpants away to sleep in them under my bed. For her cage (which is a
cat condo of the sort mentioned in another person's post - great great
investment) i cut the leg off of one pair of sweatpants, threaded cords
through either end, and tied it up in her cage. She uses it
religiously :).
      Melissa                  "It's big, sharp teeth and claws versus
                                      a mind of questionable wit."
[Posted in FML issue 1034]