Recently my fuzzy Morgan has started licking me a LOT. When I go to bed,
she crawls under the covers and licks my legs and elbows.  Boy does that
tickle!  Anyway, I don't mind the licking (except when I really just want
to go to sleep) but it sometimes leads to a good bite.  I've whapped her
on the nose and set her away when she bit me (once she bit my eyebrow!).
She doesn't bite at any other time, tho.  I'm concerned that maybe the licking
and biting is a sign of a dietary problem.  Could this be a sign that
she isn't getting enough salt?  If so, any recommendations on a supplemental
salt source?  And I really don't want to have to bathe in bitter apple
to keep her from biting me.
Morgan's current chew-toy
[Posted in FML issue 1029]