As Chris mentioned, this is the final issue of the FML which is being
compiled and moderated by him.
In my official role as your new moderator, I'd like to assure you that
no significant changes are planned.  Probably the only thing most people
will notice is that the format of the digest will be slightly different:
the list of subjects in the digest will come *before* the usual FML header
lines...this is due to the way the software works here, not to any
deep-rooted psychological belief :-)
In my unofficial role as a long time subscriber to and admirer of the FML,
it's more difficult to come up with the right things to say, so I'll keep
it simple: I think you've done a hell of a good job Chris and you'll be a
tough act to follow.
With my thanks to Chris and all of the FML subscribers, I'll do my best!
[Posted in FML issue 1026]