Hello there. . . I'm looking for ideas for a simple experiment
involving ferrets. Maybe something in the realm of ferret behavior in the
wild as opposed to in captivity (or in a pet situation). My problem is
that I know scarce little about ferrets in the first place and my
professor gave me the address of this list as a place I might be able to
look to get some ideas and information. Any project ideas that anyone has
will be a *big* help to me. . . Thankyou in advance!! :)
        To the MA resident with pet ferrets: I've always wanted a pet
ferret but I was under the impression that it is against MA state law to
own ferrets. . . Is this the truth or did I not get told something?
                                        Many Smiles,    --Amy
        / \  "What kind of fool am I?   \
        \@/       (*sharp smile*)        |      [log in to unmask]
         /  My own special breed. . . "  |         VAMPYRES.GUVM
        |   ____________________________/       Assistant Listowner
[Posted in FML issue 0999]