I'd just like to add my $0.02.  Superballs are horrible!  Roo
and Nesata BOTH found balls in my desk drawers, and before I found out
they had torn them to shreds!  I've been anxiously watching for ANY
signs of GI tract problems, and have been lacing their food with small
amounts of mineral oil to help stray pieces along.
        Speaking of gettin ginto things, I found Nesta under the
dresser th eother morning, contently eating a bag of tea!  Luckily, I
got it away from him before he tore into the bag!  Apparently, he had
"fished" in my cup of tea and pulled out a bag of Earl Grey.  (GULP!
I just love the idea of chugging down a mug that's been fished in!)
He's alright, but I did notice that his stools were a little grainy
and smelled of Earl Grey!  :)  Just joking...  Once again, ferrets do
the damndest things!
        - Kristen
        Nesta (who can't face the morning w/o his morning tea!)
        Roo (who now plays with a safe raquetball instead!)
Kristen Herzog
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These are my opinions. Promise.
End of network mail
[Posted in FML issue 1002]