Some of you have seen this before, but I'm reposting it as there
are some new members who need the cure.
1. Go down to your local pet store and pick up a bottle of BITTER APPLE.
It's this stuff they use on show dogs to keep them from licking/biting their
fur. It tastes mildly bitter to humans, but ferrets can't stand it.
2. Spray the Bitter Apple all over one hand, and play with your ferret with
the other hand. When he starts biting your clean hand, give him a taste of
 the yucky one and say "No!"
My ferret, Nero, was a chronic nipper, especially when he got excited
during play, and this method cured him of his taste for human flesh. Once
in a while he forgets and gets ahold of my hand -- all I have to say is "No!"
and he drops it like it was on fire. This method also cured him of his taste
for Chloe, his new cagemate.
Good luck,
[Posted in FML issue 1028]