I have an older albino male who had an adrenal gland excised last
March.  In July "Scooter" showed distinct  symptoms that he had a
tumor on both glands.( Weakness, hairloss, etc. The Doc put him on
a regimin of lysodrin to counteract the overproduction of
glandular secretions, and steroids to get his weight back.) He is
off both now. His weight is recovered but his life is much
diminished and cute personality changed by extreme nervousness.
Scooter shakes and quivers constantly, exhibits fits of nervous
scratching almost like a nervous tic, and is extremely sensitive
to sudden noise. He hates to be picked up now.
The Doc here is a Dallas suburb who has a pretty extensive ferret
practice, told me he has seen many such cases, The loss of almost
all body hair is not uncommon. But he has never seen such
nervousness in other cases. He put Scooter on sedatives; first
phenobarbitol, It worked minimally. Now we just started Diazipam
( veterinary Valium).
I'm sending this to the FML at large and a copy to Dr Williams.
Anybody have any ideas what we should do or where we should go
from here to get our old Scooter back?
[Posted in FML issue 1023]