Hi FMLers -
Well, this is my first time posting here even though I have been reading the FML
for quite some time now.   My ferrets and I would like to thank everyone here
for the great information I have gotten from the FML.  However, bestowing praise
and compliments is not my only reason for posting.  Pam Grant of STAR*Ferrets
asked me  to share with you the post she sent to me in the ferret section of the
Animals Forum on Compuserve.
Dear Ferret Lovers,
I received a call today from Linda Harrah in Ohio.  She said that Jack Hanna,
formerly of the Columbus Zoo, is trying to locate some albino ferrets to take on
Good Morning America on December 14th to tel the public THAT FERRETS ARE WILD
Linda says that Mr. Hanna does this every year and takes an albino because "they
are look like rats and the public dislikes the red eyes".  To date, Mr. Hanna
has not located an albino to borrow for the show.
Now, we all know we love our fuzzies and that they make excellent pets.  I do
not want to see a campaign of 'rabid ferret owners', but we do need to let ABC
and the show, Good Morning America know that we want our choice of pet
represented properly.  I'm asking everyone to call ABC and the show to let them
know that:
1.   Ferrets may be illegal in Columbus, Ohio, but they are legal as pets in 46
states and ARE domestic animals.
2.   Viewers want a pro ferret person present if ferrets are to be presented to
the public on television on Good Morning America.  Contact any of the ferret
organizations in NY [Steve M.- are you ready for this?] for a spokesperson.
3.   Tell ABC that we will all be watching or taping the show and if it turns
out poorly for one sided representation, they WILL receive letters.
Call 212-456-7777 for ABC's Good Morning America - or better yet - does ABC have
a CIS account???
I have contacted GMA and they will not confirm or deny that Mr. Hanna has
scheduled to be on the show on the 14th.  I'm in the process of contacting the
NY ferret organizations to let them know about this.  I am also putting together
a letter to go to the person who schedules Mr. Hanna's appearences on GMA to
request counterpoint representation if he is going to discuss ferrets as
beleived.  I would be most appreciative if some of you could send me suggestions
for this letter.  I have no problem writting it and would love to go on GMA and
be interviewed, however, I can think of a bunch of people who would be better
suited for this.
anyway, suggestions would be most appreciated.
Steven Markowitz  (Ferrets Co-Section Leader/Animals Forum/Compuserve)
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[Posted in FML issue 1023]