Hi, Donna and Warren:
 Glad you are carrying Ferrets Unmasked. That is our Big Boy, Fafnir
Seamonster, on the cover!! (Faf is also ACME's "carpet shark" stamp.) The baby
on the spine of the cover and in the baby carriage is our little Soma (soon to
be a rubber stamp). Faf appears again on the back in the bird-bath, and that
is Lori Price's Bacci Bears looking like Jabba the Hut on the back (Bacci also
appears in the video, standing up and clapping like a seal). The stills for
the cover were done by Lori, a dear friend who is a nationally known wildlife
photographer and whose work is regularly seen in Smithsonian, National
Geographic, Zoogoer, etc. Gandhi (- Hurwitz,who produced the video ) called
last week to get the names of the cover ferrets , seems he has been inundated
with queries as to their identity.:) -Ann & Howard Davis
[Posted in FML issue 1019]