Thanks, Chris, for a great job! You should be proud of your accomplishment
in bringing together such a wild and woolly bunch of people. Woozle owners
are a special bunch of folk, as are the fuzzies that own us. As lurkers and
very occasional contributors, we would all like to thank you for a very
enjoyable 1000 and for the knowledge we have been able to glean. One way or
the other, keep in touch with the FML. Drop in every now and then and let
us hear from and about you.
Your faithful readers, Mike and Kathy, and co-conspirators Tuck (I want to
live OUTSIDE the cage, like you humans, and where is my toy?); our
7-year-oldster and much-loved (and spoiled) Shoe; Her-She the Mama (our
tiniest and boss of the joint); Sherlock (Sherby) the Wimp, son of Her-She;
Shady (Don't you dare bite me, be a good girl!) Lady, also daughter of
Her-She; Joe Nameless (the wild one--a red-eyed dickens. We know the
Devil's in there, but Joe IS loveable); Jasmine, (Jaz, a little sweetheart)
and much missed Nip, also ex-FML member. He passed away last Memorial
weekend and we still can't get over it. He was our big boy, brother of
Tuck, big liquid black eyes in a giant white (well, sorta) body, our
Tail-Wagger, as in "please, please, can I have a raisin? Huh? Huh? (Wag,
wag). He would also wag his tail on command (Wag your tail!) and took first
place in the CGFA yawning contest.
Anyway, thanks again, Chris, and forgive the eulogy.
[Posted in FML issue 1000]