My girlfriend and I have been on the list now for about 4 months, and
read it religiously every day.  We knew we wanted a ferret, but hadn't
gotten one yet, we were waiting until later this spring.
Unfortunately, two things got in the way of that :)  One was this guy
walking around Sears in a mall here in Georgia with a 6 month-old ferret
on a leash.  Really CUTE sable, and real friendly.
The other one is the sable that payed a LOT of attention to us in the pet
So we are now the proud owners of an 8-week old male sable (neutered and
descented, and first rounds of shots) plus a REALLY big cage.  Thanks to
the list, we've thus far managed the "where's my bathroom" look, and how
to handle his nipping, which thus far isn't too bad, but he isn't playing
rough yet :)
No name yet, we're waiting for one to come to us.  And in the meanwhile,
hunting MADLY for a good vet in the Atlanta area so we can get a good
checkup/boosters done.
Think that's about it, (HE'S SOO CUTE!) thank you all for helping us get
started with our new family member!
Todd Rodgers, [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1012]