Hello all,
        My name is Jeff, and this is the first time I have
written in. I have a 3 year old grey female named nipper. She
is the first ferret I have owned, and I have only had her for a
year. A girl was walking up and down the board walk at the
small river beach where I lifeguard, trying to find a home for
her three fuzzies. She had moved home and was told that she
could not keep them by her parents. To make a long story short
all three went in different directions. I think about the other
two often and hope that they got as good of a home as Nipper
did. If any one out there aquired a ferret at Colonial Beach,
Virginia durring the summer of 1993, please let me know how it
        I have given thought to getting Nipper a friend, But I
have concerns. I knew nothing about them until I got her. It
has been a wonderful experience, and I am now convinced that
they are the best pet in the world. I did not have to teach her
not to bite, which she rarely does, and even then it she has
never done more than just pinch. I never had to litter train
her, and I do not know if there is any special treatment that the
baby fuzzie needs. Here are my questions.
        1. How do you litter train?
        2. Is there any special care needed, besides normal vet
        3. Given that Nipper did grow up with two others, and she is
        pretty gentil any way, can you see any problems with
        4. Are there any behavior traits I should look for?
        5. And finally I want an other female, is that a good
        I am away at college right now, and separated from my
girl by a six hour drive. I really miss her. I want to be able
to spend lots of time with her and the new one, so I'm going to
wait until summer. Thanks for any advice.
Jeff, and the one who can turn completly around in a wool
[Posted in FML issue 0974]