> From: "Michelle Z. Matta" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Baby Gates?
> going to stop them from CLIMBING this thing?  Do any of you use a baby
> gate and if so, any comments?  Any suggestions on what I can possibly
> cover this thing with so they can't climb it?
> Michelle
        You can get two squares of plexi glass that are around the same
size of each side of the baby gate. (the inside mesh part not the whole
wooden frame)  Drill a few holes in it and tie it to the plastic mesh
with good quality pull ties.  Avoid cheap twist ties and such because they
can shred over time and may become a hazard to your ferrets.
> From: [log in to unmask] (kristen herzog)
> Nesta is RAPIDLY growing and poor Roo is teenie tiny at 1.2 pounds and
> steady.  She'll hiss, sreach occasionally, and sometimes "play dead",
> lying still until he lets go......
        Seems like regular ferret play to me.  Nesta is making sure Roo
knows who's the boss.  Males will almost always be quite a bit bigger than
females so I wouldn't worry so much about the size differance.
> through the crawl spaces.  PLUS, what affect will this have on the
> furries?  Obviously the four of us (2 humans, 2 ferrets) will have to
>                 Thanks, Kristen (mommie)
>                         Roo & Nesta (who will soon be trained to herd bugs)
        I live in Florida so I always have a problem with fleas, roaches
scorpians, and every other small bug in the state.  My landlord uses a
pet safe spray once every month or so.  I still mop floors and vacume after
they are done.  (they only spray the kitchen and around the two doors, but
I still clean the whole place.)  It's not a bomb so there realy isn't any
health risk to may guys while they spray.  I also flee bomb once in awhile.
Afterwards I again mop floors, vacume, and clean any place they may get into.
I have had no problems so far.  My guys are very healthy and hopefully will
live a long and healthy life.
        Brad, Sebastian, Mako, and Bambie.
        P.S.   If the you do bomb the place and it says to air out for an
hour.  I would double that at least before bringing the ferrets is.  Also
vacume carpets before bringing ferrets in.  The vacume picks up and sends
some poison back into the air.  Do not vacume in a closed room.  Unless
you want to get sick as a dog for an hour or two.  Not a very good feeling.
[Posted in FML issue 0974]