Scooter and I are visiting an elementary school classroom where a friend
of mine teaches later this week.  They are finishing a unit on endangered
species and Jody wants Scooter to come in so the kids can see an animal
similar to the black-footed ferret, which is one of the species they have
With that in mind, I want to be very clear with the kids  on the fact that
Scooter is NOT a black-footed ferret and on the differences between the
species.  Trouble is, I don't know much about black-footed ferrets.  Can
anybody help me?  A brief rundown on the scientific name and salient
features of the b.f.f. would really help, as well as a recap of the
current best guess about the lineage of the domestic ferret.
Chris and
Scooter the Educational Weasel
        I am Ferret of Borg
                Bitter Apple is Irrelevant
                        Litterboxes are Irrelevant
                                Your Socks will be Assimilated
[Posted in FML issue 0972]