To Bongo and Bo's Mom and Dad,
Don't give up the ship yet. We have found it usually takes about a month
before ours accept a new one. We also have just got a new baby and are
going through the same problems. We have two males that scare the s---
right out of our new baby. She runs from them when she can and we keep
them seperated when we are not there to intervene. I have found when
Gus Gus (our white male) zeros in on Yippe Kai-Yea (Kai for short)
we pick him up and tell him "no" or a light whap on rear. After a few
weeks he does accept the new ones. We have introduced five (5) new
ones with him. Pongo wants to just 'put' the new one away. With him we
try to give her time to get away. She will run off 'bucking' with him
close behind, we then start over. This behavior will also stop once
the little one gets a bit bigger. We have been very successful with all
new and existing ones when one was a baby. We have found it takes a
little longer when introducing an 'older' to the group.
[Posted in FML issue 0969]