I know this question has been up several times in FML but I hope there
is still someone out there who's prepared to give me some more hints
and advices on this subject: this weekend I bought a 9 weeks old kit,
I already have a 4-year old female. Before I bought it I meet other
ferret-owners + ferrets to see how she went along with them, they
found her very calm( little bit scared) and didn't see any problem with
buying a new one, so I did. The first day the older ferret, Wilma, ignored
the little one. The little one, Tod, tried to run after but stopped after
one look from Wilma. Yesterday Wilma started to get curios and started
following him a little bit but as soon she got in contact with Tod she hizzed
and Tod squeeked. It seems like Wilma is sulking a bit, maybe jelous even
though I try to give her most of the attention. I'm sure there's a lot of
ferret-lovers out there who's  been through all this! Is there anything I can
do to help them out? When can I trust leaving them alone together? When do I
know this is a hopeless task ?
Thanks in advance
Helen, Wilma & Tod
[Posted in FML issue 0972]