> ---------------------------------------
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Thu, 27 Oct 94 15:41:26 CDT
> Subject: I.D.'s
> Gerry,
>         Whoa there!  Slow down!  Although there *was* some mention of a
> government regulation in Utah at the beginning of this discussion, it was
> never determined that they really were thinking about requiring it.  Since
Err..  I hate to say this, but they ARE thinking of requiring it for
ferrets - not dogs, just ferrets (dogs as soon as they have ferrets as an
example..)  Trust me, I've been in on every meeting, they really DO
intend to make it a law that all ferret MUST be chipped - that's why we
are so much against it - as a suggestion, we agree entirely, as a mandate
we are opposed, violently so.
> then, we've only been discussing the actually procedure.  The microchips are
> distributed by private companies, the biggest one I know of being AVID:
> American Veterinary Identification.  They are not being considered as a
> requirement by the government.  But the government of many states/counties
You don't know Utah government. :) Microchips ARE being considered, as
the proposal I forwarded to the FML a few months back showed. - but er're
trying to show them they can't do that - registration/licensing and
vaccination we have ALWAYS been for - In fact, we had to correct their
first proposal, as while the county had LOTS of control measures, they
had neglected to include any vaccination requirements at all.
> *does* require the registration of dogs to enforce rabies vaccination.  From
> a public health *and* animal health aspect, I see this as a very *good*
> thing.  There are a *lot* of people out there who only get their pets
> vaccinated when someone like me (I was an animal control officer over the
> summer) shows up with their dog who's been running loose and tells them if
> the dog ends up in the pound they'll have to pay a steep fine for non-
> vaccination *plus* get him vaccinated and registered.  If the law is what it
> takes to get people to help prevent the spread of rabies, then I'm afraid I
> have to say so be it.  At any rate, microchipping is simply suggested by
> veterinarians and of course the chip companies as an excellent way of
 We at the Utah Ferret Association have no problems with suggested
microchipping, especially if all the companies were to standardize, so
each chip could be read by the same reader. otherwise the cost of keeping
track of the different readers and different chips quickly becomes
> preventing your pet from being permanently lost if he runs away or is stolen.
>  You can take off or loose a collar, but most people wouldn't even begin to
> know where to look for a microchip, let alone how to remove it.  As far as I
> know, that's all we've been discussing.  :)
> Laura
Matt Ouimette
Utah Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 0996]