About a week ago my  ferret came down with something
that sounds like the green diarrhea virus that been discussed
in FML. Since Sunday she has been hospitalized, she's been
given antibiotics and fluids cause she was quit dehydrated.
Now the stools looks normal but she is still not eating well,
only boilded fish. My question is: Is this disease known in
Europe as well ? Unfourtunally I cant send you, Dr.Williams,
any feces but I could as soon as the tests are ready send
you the results. I also want to know if there are any
special care( excpet lot of love) you have to give the fuzzy
while recovering, special food, special things to watch out for how
long will it take to fully recover? Yesterday the vet told me that she
could propably go home by the end of this week and I do hope so
cause we miss her a lot.
Helen Wilma & Tod
[Posted in FML issue 0995]