Request for adress change from Bob Nixon
I resently aquired a new internet account from a local provider
and would like to change my addres from compuserve to this
address if possible. The new address is.
Bob Nixon [log in to unmask]
Thank you much, the FML is greatly appeaciated by members
of the Central Azizona Ferret Club. Some of Dr. Wiiliams posting
have been distributed in the news letter. We have some members
that have experienced the dreaded Green Diarhia that I've heard
so much about in the FML. Suzanne Resinger has 30 some ferrets
on a continual basis, has experienced about 50% of her ferrets
had the Green Diarhia. Some are well now and thankfully none
have been lost.  Thanks Bob!!
[Posted in FML issue 0994]