Today, we have begun itial preparations for identification of the
etiologic agent which causes the Green Diarrhea.  WHAT WE NEED IS MATERIAL.
FECES, to be exact.  If you are currently experiencing or know someone whose
ferret is (or has) experienced this disease, we need feces and serum.  Feces
should be sealed in a pill bottle or film container, frozen, and shipped to the
address below by overnight or two-day mail.  No weekend deliveries, please.
        Serum from animals with the disease is also required, both from animals
experienceing acute disease, and also from recovered animals.  This is required
to identify minute amounts of virus in feces and hopefully to design a
diagnostic test for the disease at a later date.
        We are also looking for frozen and formalin-fixed tissues from animals
who have died from this disease.  Animals should be autopsied by your vet AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE following death, ast he agent appears to be very transient, and
the lesions in the intestine are only visible within 12 hours after death.
        Your help will save lives.
       Bruce Williams, DVM                 Department of Veterinary Pathology
       [log in to unmask]         Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
       (202) 782-2600/2602                 Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
[Posted in FML issue 0994]