I can not believe that anyone in this country is in favor
of letting the government mandate the micro-chipping of our
pets. Its none of their damn business what I own! This micro-
chipping of pets is no different from the tatooing of the Jews
(and others) by the Naziz. Allowing the government to tag our
pets is a small step from allowing them to tag us.
Just say no!
Gerry Roston ([log in to unmask])    | It has been the scheme of the Christian
Field Robotics Center,          | Church, and of all the other invented
Carnegie Mellon University      | systems of religion, to hold man in
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213           | ignorance of the Creator, as it is of
(412) 268-6568                  | Governments to hold man in ignorance of his
                                | rights.  The systems of the one are as false
The opinions expressed are mine | as those of the other, and are calculated for
and do not reflect the official | mutual support.  Thomas Paine
position of CMU, FRC, RedZone,  |
or any other organization.      |
[Posted in FML issue 0994]