This is mainly for the ferret people in the southwestern part of the US.
The green diarrheal disease has made it to Arizona where it had been
unknown in the past. Apparently someone from Maryland carried it to
Phoenix. All of the ferrets (24) at the unofficial shelter, (Hi! Suzanne)
have come down with it.
Having lost 2 ferrets in the last month, 1 to old age, and 1 to an
enlarged heart, we are taking no chances with our last one and won't be
bringing any newbies into the house for awhile.
If you think one of your animals has it, get to the vet immediately. If
he has questions, have him call Dr. Williams, Suzanne at (602)840-0813,
or Meg Carpenter at (703)765-4353.
    Bruce Thomas                Phoenix, Arizona          [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 0989]