> ---------------------------------------
> From: Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 10:44:56 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Weight,Smuggling, ID
> Re: Jon Anne's I.D. Ideas
>  If there's anyone on from around Utah, i read a clipping by one of the
> Utah Ferret Association that referred to one county's insistance on
> implanted microchips for identification. Is this true? Is it practical?
> Is it expensive? Is it humane?
>  The lab animal handbooks here at cal say that ear notches, tattoos, and
> even leg banding aren't really good, so again, i suppose we should ask
> the Doctor: What's a fool proof way of affixing I.D. short of coping them
> with dog tags?
Yes, I'm still here - every day, I just don't reply that much. :)
(Currently I'm job hunting, as well as trying to prepare ofr a shipment
of ten ferrets from CA - rescues!)  The ferret I rescued last month with
the tumor was put down on saturday, I'm sorry to say - her kidneys shut
down and she just crashed. :(  So I'm likely to take one of these
rescues, if I see one that catches my fancy. :)
  As to the microchipping - we are fighting that, as we feel
Microchipping  IS expensive, is NOT practical, and we don't feel it's
terribly humane either, considering they still want to have all ferrets
chipped by 10 days of birth. - and unless and untill the policy applies
to dogs AND cats as well, we won't agree to it.
Utah is still here, were just a little busy with too many things these
days, sorry. - I'll try to post more often.
[Posted in FML issue 0988]