I think we should have a great FML meeting of everyone and their ferrets for
the 1,000th issue....
Re: Bongo...Wow! I'm glad to hear he's back. I can't think of anything more
depressing than having an animal missing. It feels as if your whole life stops.
I liked people's suggestions for what to do if one gets lost, or how to prevent
Re: Ferrets gaining weight...Ralph also seems to have put on quite a bit of
weight these past few weeks. Neither Norman nor Cinderella has; in fact, Norman
is looking slightly thinner, so maybe Ralph is eating his food, too. I think
Ralph is preparing for hibernation by stuffing himself. He is only 6 months
old, so maybe he's still growing. The only other seasonal change I've noticed
is that Norman, who looks like a possum, has developed a beautiful golden
Cute stuff: One of their favorite sleeping places is a cardboard carton which
is entirely closed, except for a small hole on top. (There is a blanket inside,
so it's nice and cozy.) In the morning first Ralph will poke his head out, then
go back in.  Then Norman will stick his nose out, yawn a bit, and disappear
back inside.  No matter how many times I've seen this, I'm always charmed by
how cute they are.
--Ronnie, aka food provider and person of:
    Cinderella (Princess Ankle-biter)
    Norman the Sock Conqueror
    Ralph the Flying Ferret
    and various other four-leggeds
P.S. Was there an issue on Monday the 17th?
[Nope.  No missing issue.]
[Posted in FML issue 0987]