Just opened this morning's 10/19/94 Globe.  The comic strip Non
Sequitur is all about Ferrets.  Not bad drawings either.  I never knew that
we were on 'the cutting edge'.
        Thanks Jon-Anne, I'll keep an eye out for some tags.  R&S mostly
object to the collar.  We tried a harness for a while on Squeekers while
walking, but he was pretty insulted by it and spent more time getting out of
it than in 'walking'.  Mostly he gets carried in his ski hat when we go out
in the mornings.  He really likes it in the cool weather when he can snuggle
down inside and look out from on 'on high'.
        It also helps with the problem of uninvited guests, or that 'unique
pepper effect' :) that Mac mentioned yesterday (FML 986).  We have bombed
the house several times over the years and had an exterminator at least
once.  Our cat Jack's flea collar had expired and he was the source
spreading it to both ferrets, their bedding and all the hiding places,
sofas, beds, etc.
        They are the dickens to get rid of.  Squeeks was also out in the
back yard under supervison of our son and came back with over fifty ticks,
so mostly we carry now, though we call it walking.  Sides, it's faster that
way.  The liitle guys get plenty of exercise in the house.
                                W.M. fr Anon
[Posted in FML issue 0987]