Greetings from the Impeial Kalifornian FFZ,
 Hi all, call me Mac. Bucky, my one year old silver mitt discount fuzzie
(she really needs braces), and i are new on the fml as before, when we
lived in Florida, she wasn't a hunted criminal and we could publically
socialize w/ other patrons of the polecat.
 Congrats on Bongo's recovery, Greg and Kimberly. When i first arrived in
Bezerkeley and was crashed at a friend's, the buckmonster slipped her
H-harness and jumped (chased a squirrel?) off of a third story balcony
while daddy napped. Believe it or not, she was recovered as well, but i
can relate to mourning the errant weasel. Anyhow, she also looked darker
after her ordeal. (She also had a unique pepper-effect commonly
 Well, there are a few things i was wantin' to say...
      Since ferrets only become lactose-intolerant when dairy products
aren't a major part of their diet (After all, they nurse, and british
fesynes get fed bread and milk regularly), has anyone tried Lact-aid,
that supermarket lactase preparation? Buckminster's kind of odd...the
only cream she likes is Haagen-Daas ice, or Bailey's Irish, so we haven't
      Some psychologist dude (I can get the cite if anyone's interested)
found that, in ferrets, the length divided by the cube root of weight was
directly related to owner reported emotional capacity and activity, while
it was inversely proportional to timidity. It relates to something called
"Sheldon's theory" (don't ask me, i study hard science) Anyhow, mine is
teeny and skittish so it seemed true. Any input from the masses?
      Oh yeah, and finally, a friend back in florida had her big bouncy male
after he discovered that curtains were just made for scaling (Too bad he
figured out how to get down) and he's doing well. Deprived of his little
meat-hooks, he's becoming quite adept at jumping. So anyhow, though i
personally don't condone removing anyone's finger (or Claw) nails, it can
be done without major complications or foot problems.
                                          Peace and love,
                                          Mac and his maloccluded mustelid,
THe toliet brush is MINE all Mine AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
[Posted in FML issue 0986]