To Dick B. and poor Fezzik...
> I do have a question, though.  Obviously, Fez will be given
>antihistamines prior to vaccinations in the future.  But is there any chance
>that he'd have a reaction anyway?  Are the antihistamines always enough?  Or is
>there any increased likelihood of him going into shock in the future?
       Dick - Sorry to hear about Fezzik.  In answer to your question, histamine
is at the root of all allergic reactions.  The anithistamines will prevent
release of the histamine only if given BEFORE a challenge.  If the release has
already occurred, there is nothing you can do but ride it out.
        Are they always enough - no, there are no guarantees.  In most cases
they are, but you can no more predict the severity of the response than you
could predict the occurrence of Fezzik's episode this time.  But with
antihistamines on board, and under the watchful eye of an informed vet, you odds
are pretty low.
Bruce williams
[Posted in FML issue 0983]