Well, I experienced a ferret having a vaccine reaction for the first
time today...  sigh.  My vet's office is open until 6, so I made a 5:15 appt.
so I could go after work - never again!  Fez hadn't shown any problems to his
vaccinations last year, so I hadn't been too worried.  I had already left the
vets and was driving home when I heard what sounded like a ferret trying to
vomit...  I pulled off the side of the road, discovered that that was indeed
what he was doing, turned around and rushed back.  By the time I made it, it
was 6:10, and the front door was locked....  when pounding made no difference,
I ran around to the back, and was quite relieved to find the back door still
unlocked....  the staff was beginning to clean up, but when I explained, they
were most helpful.  The vet took a look, decided Fez wasn't going into
anaphylactic shock, at least, and gave him a shot of antihistamines.  (By this
point, Fezzik was getting rid of fluids/solids via the other end of his body -
I think he must have went 4-5 times in 15 minutes....  poor thing!).  Normally,
Fezzik refuses to stay still for long, and thats especially so at the vets, but
at this point, he wasn't even willing to move... he sort of dragged himself
over to my edge of the table, and laid down with his head on my fannypack.. he
eventually got the energy to crawl onto my arm, but then he just laid there for
about 20-25 minutes, barely moving -  and Fez is generally NOT a lap ferret.
(Dr. T. had wanted to watch Fez for a while longer, since it was still possible
he'd go into shock...  he ended up waiting around with me until almost 7.  He
said he had to do that file work anyway, but I have a feeling it would have
waited a few days had I not been there...)  But, around 6:45, Fez started at
least reacting to sounds around him, and looked as if he was at least
considering the possibility of moving...  And Dr. T. said that if he was going
to get worse, it would have already happened by then.  Fezzik stayed groggy
most of the evening, but he seems perfectly fine now.   (he even felt up to
harassing the dog!)
        I do have a question, though.  Obviously, Fez will be given
antihistamines prior to vaccinations in the future.  But is there any chance
that he'd have a reaction anyway?  Are the antihistamines always enough?  Or is
there any increased likelihood of him going into shock in the future?
Sorry so long and rambling...
-Rochelle (and Fezzik, who's feeling much better now, and Shadow who slept
through it all)
[Posted in FML issue 0982]