Help!  I *really* need to know how to get to the Chicago area ferret
show a week from Saturday, or at least the phone# of the proper person to
call and ask.  I asked once but nobody answered (sniff).  I live in
Champaign, IL.  Thanks!
        So, how *does* one in a scientifically-roundabout way describe the
sound of dooking?  Too funny!
Laura L'Heureux Kupkee
U. of Illinois Vet Med. Class of `96
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P.S. -- No one ever answered about any vets in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach
area, either.  Does that mean there are no ferret vets there, or just nobody
on the list lives near there?  Any suggestions on how I might find *out* who
the ferret vets are?
[Posted in FML issue 0981]