Hello World!
I have been on the FML for quite a while and have sat silent about the
following ignorance of mine.  I would like to set it straight.  When
we are talking about ferret noises what exactly are the Dook-Dook,
Cluck-Cluck, hissing,  chuckling, chittering, and other noises?  Are they
My ferret, Snoopy, hisses when we play tug-of-war or when she seems
frustrated about something (i.e. not being able to fit a huge sponge
through the hole to her hidy-place).   Another ferret owner was
playing with Snoop and heard her make a funny noise when he rubbed her
belly.  He said that noise was a Cluck-Cluck and that meant she was happy.
I always thought she was choking on a hairball or something.  Just shows
how observant a parent I am (it sure sounded like a hairball to me)!
Could anyone actually describe these sounds more acurrately?  The reasons
they make the noises are in the FAQ.  I just can't figure out what is what.
To me Snoop seems pretty quiet.  Does anyone know any noises that are
different from anything that has been described here?
I know Fortran C, C++, Pascal, Spanish, Ada but not much FERRET.
Give me a short lesson please!
Chris n' Snoopy
[Posted in FML issue 0981]