Someone had written about the bugs in the litter, and by the description, I'd
say they are earwigs, or related bug, and although harmless to the animals, a
general pain in the patoot.   They seem to feed on the food and in the litter
tray, and I've found that if you clean the food dish out real good, and the
litter and the bottom of the cage, then spray littter pan and cage bottom with
lysol, the bugs will stay away.  Make sure you let the lysol dry and air out
before putting litter, bedding, and the ferret(s) back in the cage.
I also have used Scratchex pet spray to spray with and it seems to work also,
but don't spray it in the food or water areas.
Ok, now someone help me.  My poor little ferret has had a terrible time with
fleas this year.  I went on vacation for 3 days, came home and he was itchin'
his tail off...I inspected and found fleas!!   Since then I've given him
multiple baths, replaced his bedding, used a mild flea dip, used flea spray
around his cage and on his bedding, and put flea collars under his cage, and
the little blood suckin' creeps *still* come back.  About every 2 wks I find a
couple of fleas and I start the whole process over...Anys suggestions?
So you know, I don't take him outside, I have no other pets that could bring
fleas in, and I don't have fleas myself. *grin*
I've never had any problems with fleas before until this year...anyone offer
any solutions that will end this war of the itchies?
Joseph K. Carlson                       Bitnet: JKC3@psuvm
Micro Systems Consulting/Programming    Internet: [log in to unmask]
Center for Academic Computing
[Posted in FML issue 0943]