A question...
  The new place we will be moving into (in two days) shares a wall with a
family with a skunk as a pet.  How much do I have to worry about transmission
of disease, parvo and distemper, for instance?  They are not realted, are
they? }8-|
...and a suggestion...
   Staple screen to the bottom of your couch, chairs, etc, to dissuade fuzzy
scratching.  It worked for us, and saved a new and expensive living room
suit. (sp?)  Use heavy-duty screening that you can buy at the hardware store
in long sheets, like the rolls fabric comes in.  Also, we used carpentry
staples to hold it on.  They completely ignore it, now.  I just wish I could
as easily re-direct the cats from scratching the outside. (sigh)
Happy ferreting!
Kelly and Michael, the Feline Furries and Ferret Fuzzies--on the move!
 Kokomo, here we come!! (Did I mention that we will NOT have a local node?
 dam, dam, dam...)
[Posted in FML issue 0967]