Hello all. I have a query concerning Marshall Farms ferrets. Charlotte
and Kitka both have two small tatooed dots on their respective right
ears. The dots are just smaller than a pencil eraser. Charlotte's tatoos
are in a horizontal line while Kitka's are on a vertical one. I assume
from this that these beautiful girls are MF ferrets; please correct me if
I am wrong. I have heard that MF ferrets are sometimes not finished with
their shot series. We are wondering if this is true. Would just making a
trip to the vet and getting everything all over again hurt? I would
rather be safe than sorry. My husband and I would like to take them to
the park, but are wary until we are sure all their shot records are up to
date. They are approx. 5-6 mo old, and we have only had them for eight
weeks or so.
I am loving being a ferret parent. Kitka has taken to standing on my feet
while I do the dishes. She wants to get up on the counter. If it is safe
up there I will put her up and she gets so excited! The forbidden bedroom
(due to the allergies of my husband) has also become *very* interesting.
They would like nothing more than to zoom in under your feet. They are so
fast! The other thing I have noticed of late is food-hoarding. Charlotte
will load up her tiny mouth with three pieces of Science Diet and run
behind the television or under the couch. Kitka follows close behind!
Often they drop pieces along the way and it is really cute to see them
nose around looking for them. They almost always find them.
I don't think Charlotte sees too well. I know this is common in ferrets
but sometimes she looks almost glassy-eyed. Sometimes it seems like she
can't see more than a foot or so clearly while Kitka will gaze at you
from across the room.
Sorry to go on and on. I feel like a new mommy who cant talk enough about
her children!
Paula Smith
[Posted in FML issue 0965]