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I just wanted to let you all know that i tryed the game suggested by
Jennifer in issue 959.  It involved having the furrie under the sheet
while your hand i s on top of the sheet.  Milo always goes under the
sheets, but last night i scr atched my nails on the sheet and he
chanced me! It was great!  He would do this attack under the sheet game
for a while and then come running out from under the covers, bounce
around and then RUN back under thbe covers for more.  He look ed so
excited!  He looked like a little kid running for cotton candy when he
da rted for the sheet again.
    -just wanted to say thanks for the idea.
    -Chris & Mike
    -Tish & Milo (who is still biting Tish, but she is fighting back more now)
[Posted in FML issue 0963]