Bob- although I wholeheartedly agree with you on the guilt thing about
being involved in the domestication of animals, you have to remember that
we didn't domesticate them. And I think that most ferrets are happier
when they are around humans. I'm not saying it should be that way, or
always has been that way, but I know that my female, given the choice,
will come to me for attention and love, rather than another ferret. She
genuinely appears to love people. By the way, I don't dress up Alex but
she is caged. Although I hate that she is, I can't get her to use the
litter box religiously and so.... Sorry, but I don't like having ferret
crap on my carpet. If you know of someway to get her to use the litter
box, let me know. About the jumping thing, I used to have a male named
Kamakazee, named because he would stand on the couch and take a flying
leap into my arms. I think that's a very individual thing in ferrets.
Alex will jump off of moderatly high things (especially when she wants
something) but my friend's female won't even jump off a couch. Just some
thoughts. Don't be to harsh on everyone, at least their ferrets are happy
and loved!! Bye
Tracy, Matt, and Alex(happy and well-adjusted) :->
[Posted in FML issue 0963]