I'm curious about the bags/pouches that everyone uses to carry the
little ones around in.  We've been using a backpack that I've altered a
little bit.  The top front of the backback is cut out in a half-circle
shape and has a plastic mesh sewn on as a window for them.  They like
this.  The only problem I run into is space.  I've got a litter box on
the bottom (which is made out of a square tupperware bowl).  It takes up
*3/4* of the bottom of the bag.  I don't think I can get any smaller on
the litter box.  Next to the litter box, I've got a small towel for them
to lay on, but generally one ends up laying in the litter (IF they fall
asleep while traveling).  Yesterday, I sewed a home-made hammock (from
an old towel) onto the inside above the litter box.  We'll see if this
helps.  I'm just curious as to what other ferret owners use as a
carry-pouch for their little ones.
ps - I like the back-pack style so far because its easy to seat-belt
them in the car when driving somewhere!  It serves as a playpen, crib,
carseat, and carrier all in one!  ;-)
[Posted in FML issue 0963]