HI All!
I missed the Northern Exposure episode - what happened to the ferret?
Someone who saw the program should write the show and let them know
they are misleading the public with misinformation.  Perhaps someone
can round up the address and post it so others can write too.  They
could correct their error - another episode showing the brave soul
explaining what he's learned about ferrets since this one was found
or perhaps a town member comes forward that belongs to the ferret and
explains they aren't wild animals and they can't survive in the wild.
Wish I'd seen it - I'll have to start watching the re-runs.
New Addition -
I stopped in at the pet store last Monday and they had just bought an
older ferret from some lady.  I guess this lady has a habit of showing
up with animals she wants to sell and because they are concerned for
the animals, the pet store buys them.  Anyway he's an older male, maybe
about 5 and I couldn't stand to see him so depressed so I went in the
next evening and bought him (right, like I need another ferret :-)).
He had a bad cold and spent his first week with us all cuddled up in
warm and cozy blankies, sneezing his little head off.  Last night he
started playing and it is the funniest thing.  He spreads his little
legs and flys off of things (fly like an eagle) - couch, tables, me -
and lands spread eagled on the floor, looks around, hops up and goes
bouncing about!  Oh, Dusty has passed his cold along to a couple of
others so maybe it will be quiet around the house for awhile ;-).
Rabies Studies
I've uncovered another one of those studies that have never been done.
"Use of an avirulent mutant of rabies virus for the oral vaccination of
wild animals: innocuity in several non-target species."  C.Guittre, M. Artois,
and A. Flamand.  Annales de Medecine Veterinaire.  Five vaccinated and 2
control ferrets were challenged with rabies virus; all survived.  This is
dated "1992".  One more for our side!
Hugs to all!  tle
[Posted in FML issue 0959]